Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas
Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas

Śnyaṁśo gulikaḥ prokto ravyaṁśaḥ kālasaṁjñakaḥ || 68|| Gaṇayedaṣṭamaḥ khaṇḍo niṣyatiḥ parikīrtitaḥ | If one of these afflicts Sūrya, the native’s dynasty will decline, while Candr and Lagn, respectively, associated with one of these, will destroy the longevity and wisdom. Sūryendulagnageṣveṣu vaṁśāyurjñānanāśanam | These are the Grahas, devoid of splendour, which are malefics by nature and cause affliction. By adding a Rāśi to UpaKetu, you get the original longitude of Sūrya. Add 16 degrees 40 minutes to Chap, which will give Ketu (UpaKetu), who is a malefic. Deduct Parivesh from 12 Rāśis to arrive at the position of Chap (Indra Dhanus), who is also inauspicious. Add six Rāśis to Vyatipat to know the position of Parivesh. Reduce Dhoom from 12 Rāśis to arrive at Vyatipat. Add 4 Rāśis 13 degrees and 20 minutes of arc to Sūrya’s longitude at a given moment to get the exact position of the all inauspicious Dhoom. Pariveṣaścyutaścakrādindracāpastu doṣadaḥ | Saṣadbho'tra vyatīpātaḥ pariveṣo'tidoṣakṛt || 62|| Tryaṁśāḍhyaviśvabhāgaiśca caturbhaiḥ sahito raviḥ |ĭhūmo nāma mahādoṣaḥ sarvakarmavināśakaḥ || 61|| References from Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra (chapter 3) Sunrise Definition = Apparent rise of upper limb of Sun (as seen on a clear day) Ratrimana = Duration of the night = Sunrise of next day – Sunset Ista Kala = Birth time – Sunrise/ Sunset (Time elapsed after sunrise or sunset)ĭinamana = Duration of the day = Sunset – Sunrise Thus Maharishi wanted us to check the influences of these planets as well in addition to the visible planets to delineate horoscope in details. They are described in the same chapter where the Grahas (planets) are described. The importance of these bodies can be seen from the place where these are described. The effects can be visible not only in the dasa of the planets associating with them, but also during the whole life of the native, which can be modified by the influences of the dasas etc. These affect the life of the native at a very subtle level, since these Upagrahas do not have body of their own and behave like shadowy planets. In Brhat Parashara Hora Shastra 3rd chapter (Santhanam Ed.), Maharishi Parashara enumerates about 5 Aprakash Grahas, 5 Upagrahas and Pranapada.

Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas